is->track( 'Opt In', array( 'Location' => 'reactivate', 'active_plugins' => $this->get_active_plugins(), ) ); } public function track_plugin_deactivation() { $location = $this->get_deactivation_location(); $this->track( 'Opt Out', array( 'Location' => $location, 'active_plugins' => $this->get_active_plugins(), ) ); } private function get_deactivation_location() { $is_hub_request = ! empty( $_REQUEST['wpmudev-hub'] ); if ( $is_hub_request ) { return 'deactivate_hub'; } $is_dashboard_request = wp_doing_ajax() && ! empty( $_REQUEST['action'] ) && 'wdp-project-deactivate' === wp_unslash( $_REQUEST['action'] ); if ( $is_dashboard_request ) { return 'deactivate_dashboard'; } return 'deactivate_pluginlist'; } private function get_active_plugins() { $active_plugins = array(); $active_plugin_files = $this->get_active_and_valid_plugin_files(); foreach ( $active_plugin_files as $plugin_file ) { $plugin_name = $this->get_plugin_name( $plugin_file ); if ( $plugin_name ) { $active_plugins[] = $plugin_name; } } return $active_plugins; } private function get_active_and_valid_plugin_files() { $active_plugins = is_multisite() ? wp_get_active_network_plugins() : array(); $active_plugins = array_merge( $active_plugins, wp_get_active_and_valid_plugins() ); return array_unique( $active_plugins ); } private function get_plugin_name( $plugin_file ) { $plugin_data = get_plugin_data( $plugin_file ); return ! empty( $plugin_data['Name'] ) ? $plugin_data['Name'] : ''; } private function get_cron_healthy_status() { return $this->is_cron_healthy() ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled'; } private function is_cron_healthy() { $wp_core_cron_hooks = array( 'wp_privacy_delete_old_export_files', 'wp_version_check', 'wp_update_plugins', 'wp_update_themes', ); foreach ( $wp_core_cron_hooks as $hook ) { $next_scheduled_time = wp_next_scheduled( $hook ); if ( ! $next_scheduled_time ) { continue; } $delayed_time = time() - $next_scheduled_time; // If any of the core cron hooks are delayed by more than 30 minutes, then cron is unhealthy. return $delayed_time < ( HOUR_IN_SECONDS / 2 ); } return false; } private function get_background_optimization_status() { $bg_optimization = WP_Smush::get_instance()->core()->mod->bg_optimization; return $bg_optimization->is_background_enabled() ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled'; } public function ajax_handle_track_request() { $event_name = $this->get_event_name(); if ( ! check_ajax_referer( 'wp-smush-ajax' ) || ! Helper::is_user_allowed() || empty( $event_name ) ) { wp_send_json_error(); } $this->track( $event_name, $this->get_event_properties( $event_name ) ); wp_send_json_success(); } private function get_event_name() { return isset( $_POST['event'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_POST['event'] ) ) : ''; } private function get_event_properties( $event_name ) { $properties = isset( $_POST['properties'] ) ? wp_unslash( $_POST['properties'] ) : array(); $properties = array_map( 'sanitize_text_field', $properties ); $filter_callback = $this->get_filter_properties_callback( $event_name ); if ( method_exists( $this, $filter_callback ) ) { $properties = call_user_func( array( $this, $filter_callback ), $properties ); } return $properties; } private function get_filter_properties_callback( $event_name ) { $event_name = str_replace( ' ', '_', $event_name ); $event_name = sanitize_key( $event_name ); return "filter_{$event_name}_properties"; } /** * Filter properties for Scan Interrupted event. * * @param array $properties JS properties. */ protected function filter_scan_interrupted_properties( $properties ) { $properties = array_merge( $properties, array( 'Slice Size' => $this->get_scanner_slice_size(), 'Background Optimization' => $this->get_background_optimization_status(), 'Cron' => $this->get_cron_healthy_status(), 'Time Elapsed' => $this->media_library_last_process->get_process_elapsed_time(), 'Smush Type' => $this->get_smush_type(), 'Mode' => $this->get_current_lossy_level_label(), ), $this->get_scan_background_process_properties(), $this->get_last_image_process_properties() ); return $properties; } private function get_last_image_process_properties() { $last_image_id = $this->media_library_last_process->get_last_process_attachment_id(); if ( ! $last_image_id ) { return array(); } $media_item = Media_Item_Cache::get_instance()->get( $last_image_id ); $last_image_time_elapsed = $this->media_library_last_process->get_last_process_attachment_elapsed_time(); $properties = array( 'Last Image Time Elapsed' => $last_image_time_elapsed, ); if ( ! $media_item->is_valid() ) { return $properties; } $full_size = $media_item->get_full_or_scaled_size(); if ( ! $full_size ) { return $properties; } $file_size = $this->convert_to_megabytes( $full_size->get_filesize() ); $image_width = $full_size->get_width(); $image_height = $full_size->get_height(); $image_type = strtoupper( $full_size->get_extension() ); return array( 'Last Image Time Elapsed' => $last_image_time_elapsed, 'Last Image Size' => $file_size, 'Last Image Width' => $image_width, 'Last Image Height' => $image_height, 'Last Image Type' => $image_type, ); } /** * Filter properties for Bulk Smush interrupted event. * * @param array $properties JS properties. */ protected function filter_bulk_smush_interrupted_properties( $properties ) { return array_merge( $properties, array( 'Background Optimization' => $this->get_background_optimization_status(), 'Cron' => $this->get_cron_healthy_status(), 'Parallel Processing' => $this->get_parallel_processing_status(), 'Time Elapsed' => $this->media_library_last_process->get_process_elapsed_time(), 'Smush Type' => $this->get_smush_type(), 'Mode' => $this->get_current_lossy_level_label(), ), $this->get_bulk_background_process_properties(), $this->get_last_image_process_properties() ); } public function track_bulk_smush_progress_stuck() { $properties = array( 'Trigger' => 'stuck_notice', 'Modal Action' => 'na', 'Troubleshoot' => 'na', ); $properties = $this->filter_bulk_smush_interrupted_properties( $properties ); $this->track( 'Bulk Smush Interrupted', $properties ); } }
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Smush\Core\Modules\Product_Analytics_Controller' not found in /var/www/html/ Stack trace: #0 /var/www/html/ Smush\Core\Modules->__construct() #1 /var/www/html/ Smush\Core\Core->init() #2 /var/www/html/ Smush\Core\Stats->__construct() #3 /var/www/html/ WP_Smush->init() #4 /var/www/html/ WP_Smush->__construct() #5 /var/www/html/ WP_Smush::get_instance('') #6 /var/www/html/ WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #7 /var/www/html/ in /var/www/html/ on line 146